Photo-stories (Dance school/ZUS)



Krajská přehlídka choreografií scénického tance 2019
There were some interesting pieces performed by ZUŠ students and other participants at The Regional Show of Contemporary Dance Choreographies in Prostějov last weekend. I would love to name two of them: Rozhovory beze slov and V prostoru a čase. Both were very strong, consistent, nicely flowing and easy to relate to.Both were choreographed by Mrs. M. Jirmanová from ZUŠ Šumperk and I would like to use this opportunity to applaud her and her dancers.
Potrefené písničky, ZUŠ Prostějov
Shooting children performances is usually rather demanding but at times it could be a satisfactory experience as well. Below are photographs from
SKICI – aneb malování pohybem
Scenicky tanec 2019 - a district competition in contemporary dance for young dancers once again exceeded my expectations. Many thanks to statutory city of Prostejov, namely to Ms Martina Drmolova for inviting me and
Klusající nohavice
"Vždy jsem si přála převést českou hudbu na tanec a vyprávět příběhy jednotlivých skladeb prostřednictvím pohybu. O J. Nohavicovi s T. Klusem  jsem měla jasno, neboť jsem na nich téměř vyrůstala. Znala jsem plno jejich skladeb a tak nebylo příliš složité vytvořit scénář, v němž se pravidelně střídala hudba uvedených interpretů. Veškerými zkouškami...
Dnes tančí a tvoří
Kids, dance, theatre. No more words needed. Choreographers: Pavla Krieger Jahodová, Nikola Hacarová, Adéla Zikmundová.
It was a pleasure to shoot TANEC TANEC – district scenic dance exhibition in Prostejov.
Primary Art School I. Krejciho
I generally quite like the poetry that can be found in most dance perofmaces of “ZUŠ” (primary art schools) and a ZUŠ I. Krejciho Olomouc is no exception in this regard.
35th Anniversary of R&I dance company
Radost & Impuls Dance Company celebrated their thirty-fifth anniversary with a nicely composed evening of dance and theatrical performances. I am always amazed by the creativity of the choreographers and by the talent of the young dancers.
Alice in Wonderland
It is incredible what Mrs. Tamara Vlachynska can create with her young dancers of Stonozka Bruntal.

