International Ballet Masterclasses in Prague 2018 3/5

International Ballet Masterclasses in Prague 2018 3/5
Here are some more photographic memories of  International Ballet Masterclasses in Prague 2018. These are from Jan Kodet’s contemporary class. He is such an awesome dancer, choreographer and coach. I want to once again say that I so admire dancers and their stamina. They are such an inspiration to me. The class was held in Jiri Kylian Ballet studio (one of Narodní divadlo studios) on a day when temperatures in Prague reached 34 degrees Celsius. The studio is sort of an attic space with no air-con there. Many of its windows are above a tin roof so you can imagine the temperature of the air entering the studio on such a hot day. It is quite a murky space and artificial lighting makes it worse for us photographers mainly because of the different colours of the different light sources so black and white photography is usually the safest option here. I felt tired and rather dizzy after a short while and I wanted to leave for some other studio but I said to myself: “There are so many of them here and they are dancing and glowing! If they can do it I certainly can do it too.” I washed my face, drank my water bottle and stayed. I think we all pulled it off in the end!  

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